Fears, real or imagined have choked to death many worthwhile dreams and achievable goals. Instead of trying to wish your fears away like unwanted raindrops, overcome your fears with F.A.C.T.

F. Frame Your Fear

Get a grip on the pack of negative emotions that are roaming free in your head and frame them. What exactly is the primary nature of your fear?

Here is a fear buffet to get you thinking;

Is it fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of a repeat of past disappointments, fear that you’re really not who people think you are, fear of the unknown, fear of looking foolish?

Just the heightened awareness and understanding of your real fears will give you a greater sense of control of your negative inner energy.

A. Address The Core Issues

After you have framed your fears, the next step is to address the core issues behind your dominant fears. Fears are like the tip of the iceberg that we see above the surface, while the bulk of the reasons for your feelings of fear remain hidden beneath the surface.

What is it in your past that makes you feel inadequate at this time? Is this upcoming event triggering unpleasant memories of past betrayal, failures and disappointments?

C. Choose

Uncontrolled fears can leave you feeling trapped in an uncomfortable limbo of indecision. The road behind you was rocky with its own pitfalls and regrets, but the paths diverge ahead of you and the outcomes either way are uncertain.

What should you do?

Comb through all the facts that you can find, assess the likely results and fallout from your various options, weigh the pros and cons and choose a specific course of action.

T. Trust Your Judgment

The unfortunate reality is that all future outcomes will not be exactly as you hoped. Do not mentally beat up on yourself and second guess well thought out decisions.

Instead, build up trust in your judgment that you have made the best decisions that you could have at the time, with the quality of information that you had at the time.

Nothing is more wasteful than a never ending loop of coulda, woulda, shoulda. Once you have chosen your course of action, move forward with inner confidence.

Reflect on those times in the past when your judgment calls worked things out in your favor. Remember that life does not come with a guarantee tag and wrong decisions can only be seen in hindsight.

Believe that you have chosen the best path and let go of any feelings of regret.

Many times irrational fears can create havoc with our minds as we imagine terrible dangers lurking behind every corner. Apply the F.A.C.T. formula and dissolve your fears.

And if your fears are confirmed after you’ve stepped out…TRY AGAIN

Steve Jobs said: “I’m the only person I know that’s lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year…. It’s very character-building.”

Don’t equate making mistakes and failing with being a mistake and a failure. There is no such thing as a successful person who has not failed or made mistakes, there are successful people who made mistakes and changed their lives or performance in response to them, and so got it right the next time. They viewed mistakes and failings  as warnings  rather than signs of hopeless inadequacy. Never making a mistake or failing means never living life to the full.


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